Manor Fields Primary School

Safer Internet

  Miss L Hitchings - Online Safety Co-Ordinator


 Mrs Di Rebbeck - Designated Online Safety Governor


 Mrs P Oliver - Designated Safeguarding Governor

Please speak to you class teacher if you have any Online Safety Concerns. Alternatively, you can email

Tips and advice

Tips, advice and guides for parents and carers from the-  UK Safer Internet

Advice for parents and carers from Childnet

Reviews and information about games, apps, TV shows and websites 

Help on using parental controls and privacy settings from Internet


Survey Monkey- 

Please complete this survey monkey  on how your children use the internet at home.


Parent Workshop-

Online Safety Parent workshop information.


Digital Parenting


Digital Parenting is a magazine that has been designed to help families to live better digital lives. The magazine is sponsored by Vodafone who can play a crucial role in supporting families to  promote their children’s online safety. It can be challenging to keep pace with the latest devices, apps, games and the way young people use them: when used appropriately, the digital world brings exciting opportunities that can enrich family life.

Digital Parenting is the go-to guide for  parents and carers  to get up to speed on the latest digital technology and wellbeing issues so families can get the most out of the online world and navigate it safely. Vodafone have also launched the Digital Parenting hub where  families can find even more practical advice, top tips and expert views to help  to shape important conversations with children about their digital life.

Keep an eye on @VodafoneUK and vodafone. for more updates throughout the year and the following is the current magazine: 

Click on the magazine cover below to download  the latest version of Digital Parenting.

This page provides information which will help you and your children stay safe online at school and at home. 


Children at Manor Fields use the Internet on a regular basis as part of their learning.  Technology enhances learning and we want to ensure pupils get the most from it by encouraging responsible online behaviour.  In school, we use a filtering system which prevents children accessing inappropriate sites. 

We teach online safety to year groups 1-6 as part of their Computing curriculum and  through their everyday use of InformationTechnology. 

At home, sometimes children can be given unsupervised access to the Internet. This potentially allows them to access all kinds of sites, both age-appropriate and inappropriate.

We would encourage all parents/carers to talk about internet safety with their children. 


Please see below for useful internet links and advice though we cannot be held responsible for content on these sites:




UK safer internet centre 

Common Sense


NSPCC/O2 Online Safety Helpline: This helpline provides practical, technical advice including parental controls on electronic devices, adjusting privacy settings, understanding social networks, and information about online gaming. 0808 800 5002

 You can also access information you may need by attaching this link