Manor Fields Primary School

Please visit our Internet Safety page to find lots of useful links and information. 

Welcome Message

On behalf of the governors, staff and pupils, we are delighted to introduce you to our school and this website aims to provide you with some insight into learning at Manor Fields. 

We are committed to ensuring that every child is safe, healthy and happy and that they will have the confidence, skills and opportunities to contribute and achieve. Every child deserves the best possible start to their education and we foster an enthusiasm for learning that aims to provide a solid foundation for the rest of each child’s school career and beyond.

At Manor Fields, our strength is the skilled and dedicated team of professionals and volunteers who serve our school and its community. We aim to challenge and inspire through excellent provision in a superb learning environment.

Through our ‘open door’ policy, we make ourselves accessible to provide support and guidance. We believe that working in partnership with families is one of the most important determinants of the success of any child. Therefore, we strive to bring the two worlds of home and school together to form one whole learning experience with your child at the centre.

We are always delighted to receive visitors, so do take the time to come and see us.  Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make and we are keen to share the high quality of learning opportunities that characterise our school.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Manor Fields Primary School.

Ms Jo McMorrin


Last Tuesday, our Robins enjoyed a wonderful adventure in Mrs Pearce‘s garden. They were excited by the walk there and back, let alone the joy of riding on a miniature train! Yesterday, thanks to their entrepreneurial skills, Kestrels were able to afford to go to the cinema and enjoy an al fresco pizza. As you would expect, they had great fun and were wonderful ambassadors. The Annual Reports were shared with families and we are grateful for the feedback that we have received.  We must thank Mrs Fisher, and her support team, for collating the works of art that have been on display at Five Rivers throughout July. We must congratulate Mr Cooke for achieving the School Games Mark Gold Award for the first time in the school’s history.  What a team!

Today, we shall raise our voices in the last sing-along and celebrate the many things that have been accomplished this year. On Tuesday, we shall say ‘goodbye and good luck’ to our Year 6s.  Their time at Manor Fields seems to have passed in the blink of an eye and we hope that they go onto to be happy and successful at their secondary schools. 

We hope Mrs Davis makes a full recovery from her recent accident and that she is back on both feet very soon. We wish Mrs Pearce, Mrs Marsden, Miss Hitchings, Miss Potts and Mr McMorrin great health and happiness as they move onto new adventures: our school will not be the same without them.

Finally, term will end at 3:15 on Tuesday 23rd  July and we hope that our community enjoys a safe and happy break. We shall look forward to being reunited on Tuesday 3rd September.




Last week was a truly splendid week and what a way to start it!? The whole school trip to Paultons Park was such an adventure and we cannot underestimate the joy that this event brings all participants!

The delivery of the Key Stage 2 SATs results is a profoundly significant moment in the school year. The outcomes are the culmination of 7 years’ diligent study so we could not be more proud of every child. As has been the case in recent years, we are above National combined outcomes with 63% Manor Fields children achieving age-related expectations in Reading, Writing and Maths.

‘Wonderland’ performed by Year 5 and 6, was also an utter delight. In addition to the audience at school, the families who watched the production at the playhouse were enthralled by the children’s skill and confidence. 

Finally, the week ended with a new iteration of the Summer Fayre. On first count, over £1600 was raised in one hour (!) and as the result of these monies, every child is able participate in memorable trips and visits, regardless of a family’s ability to pay.

The coming week includes a Year 6 trip to the cinema and an adventure in Mrs Pearce’s garden where a steam train awaits the Robins! After school on Thursday, Year 6 will take on the adults in an epic game of Rounders and the final Good Learning assembly of the year will take place on Friday. Phew…….



Last Tuesday, Phoebe and Emma represented Manor Fields at a Spanish competition at Cambridge University. We could not be more proud of them for their skill and courage.



It was lovely to welcome Mrs Brown and Miss Castle for shuffle up. The children were relaxed and happy and the transition activities were creative and engaging. Thanks to staff from school and the museum, Wednesday’s overnight adventure at Winchester’s Science Museum was great fun. The Year 3 and Year 4 children were curious investigators and some will remember being awake for a whole night for the rest of their lives!

Today, the whole school will venture to Paulton’s Park for a day of fun and adventure.  Effectively managing the logistics of such a trip is a significant challenge which has been bravely tackled, as always, by Mrs Sharpe.

The Summer Fayre will take place between 2pm and 4pm on Friday. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions and we hope to see you there!



 Wiltshire Affordable Schools'  Strategy.

The principles of 'affordable schooling' are as follows and at Manor Fields, we strive to adhere to this roadmap to inclusivity:

  • Cost of living can affect us all. We may all experience life changing events at some point in our lives 
  • Schools are at the centre of communities - they can make a difference
  • Every day in every interaction, however small, there may be an opportunity to bring about positive change  for children
  • Diversity is the one thing we all have in common: we are better together than we are by ourselves.

At Manor Fields, we understand that the cost of supporting children through school can put pressure on household budgets so please follow this link for handy support and advice - click here

 The Salisbury Area Board has produced the attached leaflet in partnership with the city council, agencies and organisations in Salisbury to help with the cost of living crisis. - click here



Working together to improve school attendance: follow this link for an extremely helpful guide….. click here


Newsletter - 22.07.2024 is now in the Parents/Carers section


Please look at our Parents and Carers Page, What's On In Our Community for some great links from the BBC with Five tips on how to handle the after-school ‘meltdown’ or 'restraint collapse'. 

For the school’s response to “Everyone’s Invited”  campaign, please  go to the Key Information tab and the Safeguarding and Child Protection page. Thank you

Wiltshire’s Wellbeing Hub providing support to those who need it

The Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub is available to anyone who is struggling during this difficult time – and will now be available on Saturdays.

The hub can help and provide support to those who perhaps don’t have a network around them, and also signpost them to where additional help is available in their local area. Hundreds of community groups, run by volunteers, are still set up across the county, providing invaluable assistance to those who need it.

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