Manor Fields Primary School

Welcome to Owls 24/25


Class Teacher - Miss Castle 
Class TA - Mrs. Lawton
Class TA and PE teacher - Mr. Cooke
Welcome Owls! 
What a fantastic start to Term 1! Everyone has settled in amazingly and already there is quality learning taking place.
Key information 
  • Home learning to be handed in every Monday and then given back out on a Wednesday.
  • Children to read at home with an adult 3 times a week and they will be entered into our class raffle.
  • PE is on Monday's and Friday's.
  • Parent consultations - Tuesday 15th October/Wednesday 16th October.
  • Overnight Trip to Leeson House - Monday 3rd - Wednesday 5th March 2025
Term 1 
Writing and class text
In our daily reading and writing, we have been exploring The Midnight Fox. The children have enjoyed following the main character Tom as he conquers his fears of animals during a 2 month visit to his Aunt Millie's farm. In writing, we have been creating our own letter to Petie (Tom's best friend) using the perspective of Tom. The children should be extremely proud of their final published pieces. In addition, the children are currently working on writing a discussion text to debate whether fox hunting should be banned. The children have used fantastic oracy skills to take part in their own debates and gather ideas for their written piece. 
                  The Midnight Fox - Betsy Byars - 9780571310333 - Allen & Unwin - Australia
Place value 
 As mathematicians, the children have been learning and understanding place value. We have recapped Roman numerals and the children have been able to write the different numerals for numbers up to 1000! As a challenge, the children were asked to write the date, their own birthday and Christmas using Roman numerals and many children were able to do this. Well done!
Other place value topics we have been learning are:
  • Using a place value grid to determine the value of numbers 
  • Rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,0000 and 1,000,000
  • Comparing and ordering numbers up to 1,000,000
  • Partition numbers up to 1,000,000
  • Powers of 10
  • Reading and writing numbers up to 1,000,000
Addition and subtraction
As we begin our addition and subtraction unit, the children have been exploring ways to solve an addition/subtraction question using mental strategies. This includes partitioning and adding or taking away one. The children show a greater understanding of where numbers need to be placed in order to add or subtract because of their hard work during our place value unit. 
Other addition and subtraction topics we are learning are:
  • Adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers with and without exchanging
  • Rounding to check answers
  • Using inverse operations to check answers
  • Solving multi step word problems
  • Comparing calculations 
  • Find missing numbers