Manor Fields Primary School


Ofsted 2023 - 09.03.2023

Dear parents and carers,


We are delighted to share the outcome of our recent Ofsted Inspection.  Manor Fields remains a ‘good’ school  and we are pleased that the inspectors were able to witness the many strengths of our school.   They noted that our school is a “happy place where everyone is welcome”; that “pupils behave well in lessons and at social times”; and they “gain a strong understanding of right and wrong”.  


The team acknowledged that “leaders know the school’s strengths”. "The curriculum identifies precisely the knowledge that pupils should learn across all subjects" and “pupils learn a lot”. We are proud of our inclusive school so it is important that the focus upon equality and diversity was recognised. It enables our pupils to be “good citizens” who can “show care and empathy for others”.


It is significant that every parent who responded to Parent View would recommend the school to another parent. Staff and governors were very grateful for your support throughout the inspection: the good wishes and kindness of the community were generous and much welcomed.


We  shall continue to strive to be the best school that we can be so the inspectors’ suggested improvements will be embedded in future plans.


Jan Paterson.


Chair of Governors

Follow these links for the most recent OFSTED report;

Ofsted Report February 2023                Parent View