Manor Fields Primary School

Kingfisher 2

Welcome to the Kingfisher 2 Class page.

Teachers: Mrs Fielding and Mrs Castleman

TA: Mrs Hillier 


We have had a wonderful Autumn Term of learning and some of the highlights can be seen below. 



The story of The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch has inspired the children to write some fantastic stories of their own. They have acted out the story using some lovely resources from the library and planned their own version of the story before writing.

We have been focusing on:

  • telling stories verbally to our class
  • using time adverbials to help sequence our ideas
  • using and, but or because to link sentences together
  • using question marks and exclamation marks 


We all love reading in KF2 and enjoy going to the school library each week to choose new class books.  We read every day and practise answering questions about the text. 

2 of our children participated in the Salisbury Library Reading Challenge and won a fantastic treat - they went into Salisbury and chose a book and had a hot chocolate! 



Learning about electricity in science lessons has been enjoyed by everyone. The children have made electrical circuits to light up bulbs, make motors spin and create lots of noise with the buzzers!  We learned about which items in our everyday lives use electricity and thought about which items use batteries and which use mains electricity.


We have enjoyed creating some lovely art work this term. In our collage lessons with Mrs Look, the children created ‘nests’ from natural materials.

Everyone has been learning to made prints around the theme of autumn leaves and the children’s artwork has made a beautiful display in the corridor.

Recently, the children have been adding white or black to different colours to create a range of tones. Their Winter Moon pictures show how well their painting skills are developing.


As a support to our history learning, we visited Salisbury Cathedral. We found out facts about the cathedrals built at Old Sarum and about how the present cathedral was built. Some of the children built very tall lego cathedrals when they returned to school!



Special Sports takes place weekly and the children have been developing a range of physical skills. Playing cricket and having a fencing lesson have been highlights of the term.

We are very proud of the children who took part and came first in the Boccia Tournament.

Horse riding has been enjoyed by our children too.